Friday, September 1st, 2000


m so glad you had an okay time, blythe, and im really really REALLY sorry about the managements disorganised chaos hell- like walking around hollywood blvd is really UNCOOL,even if you thought it was okay- it really wasnt- i think im really mad at some people who decided that itw as ll brookes job- brooke who lives in austin and makes alot less money than them and works 24/7 on this site- tot ake care of you- well in that case brooke- would you like 15% of my income? cos babe you are REALLY earning it…….. and i missed my plane because northwest are pricks and notoriously uncelebrity friendly and nasty nasty nasty- and the lady didnt like me and i had to sit there and watch the plane for twenty minutes,the one i wasnt allowed to get on cos i guess im just an asshole rockstar who doesnt deserve to get on planes like everyone else. i went home at 3 am and tried to call you guys to come over for breakfast but i forgot your last names.
ANYWAY please forgive all the chaos and thank god for jason taking care of you-wich he did beaUTIFULLY… im glad you had a good time and you guys seeemd so nice and normal that i didnt think it was wierd at all beinga t my house.
i figure most people on this board would be fine and not creepy at my house, wich is one of the reasons me and brooke started this site….. you guys blended in perfectlya nd looked hot, and i hope i didnt hurt sherrys feeling about lipliner.!!!.

patrick fugit is soooo cute and ,…….hes seventeen,
wow! the shaggable patrick fugit COULD BE MY SON.

please keep in touch and if you ever need anything let us know we all thought you three were delightful……..

and please give feedback as a board in the future about what premieres memebers want to come to= we can pretty much get any movies we want to pay, as long as i have a friend in it and run organic contests like this one. it may not be totally corporate and perfect but at least its reaL, i loved seeing la through your eyes. what looks so normal to me must look crazy to you.

by the way; i know my house is nice but ,… should see freds…..


–exact date unknown, refers to Charlie’s Angel’s premiere (i’m guessing this one)

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